Duress Alarm Monitoring
It’s the personal service that makes the difference.
We’re not just a monitoring station, we’re here to give you personalised, professional services by people who get to know you.
Business Duress alarms, personal medical alarms or fire alarms, which ever it is, you need to know the response is swift to contact emergency agencies and appropriate key holders. Our security monitoring station is staffed 24 hours per day 7 days a week, 365 days a year, professionally monitoring all signals received and responding accordingly.
Personal/medi alarms – Whether it’s a medi-alarm, fall-alarm or non-movement alarm, we’ll check that your loved one is ok, contact you or contact the patrol or relative agency. We know getting assistance to your loved one quickly is essential.
Business alarms – We’ll check on you if your premises opens out of hours. If an alarm activates, we’ll contact the keyholder or agency as your instructions require.